If you own a copy of Music Ace, the first title in the Music Ace
Series, and you are using an external MIDI keyboard, you may need to
reconfigure QuickTime to work with Music Ace. The steps for setting up
QuickTimeĆ 3.0 so that external MIDI works properly with Music Ace and
OMS are:
- Open Quick Time Settings at Apple Menu:Control Panel:QuickTime
- Select Music from the drop-down menu.
- Press the button labeled "Edit List".
- If you do not see any synthesizers listed, then press the
"Add" button on the lower left corner of the window.
- Under the "Synthesizer" column, choose "General MIDI."
- Under the MIDI Port column, there will appear to be two
options for Modem or Printer, whichever port your MIDI
keyboard is connected to. While they do not appear to be
different, only one choice will work. It will likely be the
second option, but you may have to try both to figure out
which one will work for you.
- In the lower left corner of the window, select Modem or
Printer port for MIDI Input.
- Press the "OK" button in the lower right corner to save your settings.
- After starting up Music Ace, press the space bar and go to the
options menu that appears on the top of the screen. Make sure
that "Enable MIDI Input" is checked.